Exclusive interview with Brenda James

April 13, 2009, by Petra

Famous Pornstar Brenda James gives an exclusive interview to Freeones about what it’s like working in the adult industry…

What made you decide to start doing porn?
Actually, it was a dare. My boyfriend was looking at porn a lot. I told him I was hotter than any of the girls he was looking at. He said “if you think your so hot why don’t you go into porn then”? The rest is history. I shot my first scene on my birthday in 2007.

What did you do before you started working in the adult industry?
I have been a home health care worker for about 10 years. I was also an emergency room coordinator. I also passed the exams to become a firefighter in 2004, but later decided against it. I work well in trauma situations. I love it. I have been in mainstream modeling and still am since 1989 as well.

Did you ever watch porn before doing it yourself?
No. I still have probably only watched about 2hrs total of porn in my life!

Why is it, do you think, that women aren’t into watching or looking at porn like men are? What steps do you think the industry needs to take to attract women customers?
I still believe women are more emotional about sex, overall, then men. I think women fantasize more about love, and being desired. A man can have, and enjoy a one night stand,  but still be totally in love with his wife, because it is just sex. For most women (I believe) sex is a response to feeling an emotion. Enjoying pure raw sex is not what girls are “taught’. A lot of the time girls are actually taught that sex without love is bad! They feel guilty over a one night stand! In society a woman that fucks for pleasure is called a slut or whore, that isn’t a positive term. It’s all changing though. Women my age are teaching their daughters sex is great and fun! Sex can be “just sex” it doesn’t HAVE to be an emotional ordeal. You just have to be as safe as possible. As far as the industry…There are more sites for lesbians or bi-chicks than ever. I don’t think women need the visual stimulation as much as a man. We may never watch as much porn as a men.

Are you open about your profession? Or are there people that you’d rather not tell about what you do for a living?
I am on the down low with family only to protect my children. When I am away from home however I will tell anyone who asks. I am not bashful about it at all. It is a great test of weather or not the person I am talking to is worth my time or not. If they have a problem with what I do they will have a problem with who I am. Porn is not my life, but it plays a big part in it.

How did you choose your name within the industry?
My boyfriend used to call me Brenda by mistake when we first met. So it had become a name assigned to me when I would do something stupid, or if my sex button was pushed and I felt like getting really nasty. I would call myself Brenda and James is my boyfriends middle name.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while on the job?
One time I was shooting on a balcony and an entire construction crew was working on a balcony up and over a few stories. They ended up watching just about the entire scene. They gave me the thumbs up, so I guess they were ok with it.

What’s the best part of your job?  The worst?
My “job” is great! I am totaly comfortable being naked. I have been a model for over 20 years, so I am comfortable on camera, and understand lighting, and body positioning. The disease factor is probably one of the worst parts.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and do you think it’s possible/easy to live a healthy relationship while being a pornstar?
I sometimes get pissy because he isn’t jealous! lol I only know of 1 or maybe 2 other couples in this industry that have been together for over 5 years. I won’t share my guy with anyone, nope, no way. I want to be the only one for him. If he were in the industry…then it may be a diffrent story. I am going to say that most women have a problem with their boyfriends/husbands being a male porn star. Women may say they are ok with it, but I have found that most of them are lying. Women want to be cool with it, but they think their boyfriend/husband is falling in love with the women he works with. On the other side of the coin, boyfriends/husbands, begin to feel like their dick isn’t big enough when it is their wife or girlfriend that is working in the industry. They feel incompetent and small. I want to be the only one. Jealous? you bet. Selfish, maybe, and probably, but thats how it is right now. You have to have a very strong relationship to survive this industry.

Do you remember your first kiss?
Yes, 5th grade. I was on a tree with my boyfriend Chris, and we had my girlfriend time us! No tongues, just a frozen lip lock for about 30 seconds, lol!

What are you wearing right now as you answer this question?
Jeans and a black tank top, black and white polka-dot bra and thong undies. Hair is up in a clip and I have purple slippers on. It is very very cold where I am.

What’s your ideal date?
An early dinner with a glass of wine, a walk on the beach to watch the sunset, skinny dipping in a pool or hot tub so I can drape my self all over him, a great blow job followed by my favorite doggy position on big bed with clean sheets, soft pillows and fluffy blankets. spooning all night and sleeping in.

Most awkward thing someone has ever said to you right after sex?
I truly cannot recall, oh wait…This one guy tried to pass off a poem from a advertisement as his own. I called him on it and he left within 5 minutes. I hate liars.

What kind of things disgust you?
Spitting on me. I don’t mind spit for lube, but spitting like your spitting on the street I am not fond of at all. Scat for sure. Other than that it takes a lot to gross me out. There are plenty of things I wont do myself, but if others want to …fine by me.

Separating sex from love. Is it easy for you?
Yes. I was married once, and for 10 years I was looking to get away from this person. I would have sex with him ONLY to make him behave. I had a great vibrator though. I have pretty much mastered the art of seperation. If you can’t disconnect it can be an absolute mind fuck. I think thats why there are  a lot of addiction issues. Emotions, ethics, morals can come into question if you let them. I do try to rememberthis: It’s just sex, everyone does it, I am just doing it in front of a camera.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?
I am a rock hound. I should have been a geologist. I know a lot about rocks and minerals. I am a total treasure hunter. I also am an avid gardener. My gardens take a lot of work, and I have been a little lazy with them the last 2 years .

Because an inquiring (and rather odd) mind wants to know: What is better. An armadillo fighting a shark or a sea bass trying to do the high jump??
The armadillo. I found it funny when I was pregnant that all these books warned about hanging out with armadillos while pregnant. Apparently their is  a risk of leprosy associated with them. After reading that I have been interested in armadillos

Do you have any pets?
A fat cat, and a Yorkshire terrier. I love animals. I have been called Dr. Doolittle by friends and family before.

Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to break into the adult industry?

For women:
Do it only if you know you believe you are attractive, and are comfortable with who you are. Don’t do it for an ego boost. As hot and popular as you are today, it will come to an end. Every once and a while their is an amazing star. That is a very rare occurence.

For men:
You have to have amazing control over your cock. I am absolutly amazed at male talent. I have had a few horrible ones but for the most part…Get hard now! dont cum yet! cum now! Occasionaly you have to listen to us women talk about our boyfriends or husbands while your cock is in our snatchy poo, and you have to stay hard! This in front of cameras and goes on for up to 3 or 4 hours!

Treat it as a business. Don’t let it become your life. Everyone is on set to do a job. The job happens to be sex. Nothing should be taken personal on set. Have a porn plan. How many years do you want to do this? What next? There is no taking it back. This is a point of no return. Society will judge you by your occupation from here on out porn will be a part of you. Just because you think porn is okay, the majority of people still see us as less than. Don’t lie to yourself.

Do you have anything else you’d like FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
I am a happy go lucky free spirited woman. I love sex. I love knowing that I can be a part of someones fantasy. I will quit the businesss when I stop getting letters of support. The sex you see on camera is how I really have sex! I cum on set most of the time. I have a good time at my shoots 95% of the time. I am a true couger. Kids, suburbs, house, pets, softball, PTA…and a desire for sex morning noon and night!


I wanto thank all of the people that support my porn. I do this for you guys/gals. Thank you all for letting me do what I like to do. I consider myself  very fortunate. I don’t take any of you for granted. I hope to continue bringing you quality material for many years to come.

Brenda James

Click here to visit the official Brenda James website!

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