Japanese Porn Stars Talk Lack Of Male Stars

May 8, 2015, by Steve

Japan's 'Pornaldo' keeps scoring as male actors fizzle - YouTube

In this interesting video, Japanese male porn star Shimiken becomes the latest male performer from Japan to query the lack of emerging performers in the country.

Interestingly, he attributes it to the rise of social media, suggesting that most stars these days do not want to make a name for themselves and do not want their true identity to be made public.

Yet a female porn star in this video suggests that it’s down to the change in male attitudes in society. She claims that Japanese men have become humbler and more gentle, and there are fewer of them that possess the attitude necessary for hardcore porn.

Whatever the answer is, it’s clearly a hot topic that there is a dearth of men in Japanese porn, and it will be intriguing to see if the situation changes any time soon.

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