Lesbians Play ‘Guess The Gay Porn Star’

July 27, 2015, by Steve

Watch Lesbians Guess Whether Porn Stars Are Straight Or Gay

A vlogger looks to her shirts for the right answers

Now here is an interesting video.

It’s a little guessing game set up by YouTube vlogger Arielle Scarcella in which she gathers together other lesbian vloggers to see if they can identify if the porn stars they are watching are gay or straight.

As she reveals herself that she herself couldn’t tell, you have to ask if she knew beforehand just how few actual lesbian porn stars there are out there. I’d certainly be interested in knowing who they’re watching and what videos.

Why doesn’t she reveal these details? Very odd. I also find it quite amusing, after everyone struggles to find the right answer, that she has another video in her collection called Women Prove Gaydar Is Real. Didn’t do a great job with this, Arielle!

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