Randy Spears Speaks Out Against Porn

June 23, 2015, by Steve

Most Successful Male Porn Star Of All Time Speaks Out On Porn - YouTube

So, it seems as though Randy Spears is the latest high profile ex-pornstar to speak out against an industry that, for a long time, brought him fame and fortune.

This YouTube video posted by the anti-porn lobbyists Fight The New Drug, is an odd one really. While one certainly sympathises with the hardships that Spears has had in his life, it’s never really made all that clear exactly what porn has done wrong for him.

Or did I miss that part? You will also notice that he is simply referred to as Greg here and his porn name is not mentioned in the description of the video at all.

My understanding is that anyone who has attempted to post what his porn name was in the comments has had their comment deleted. Not too friendly or, indeed, Christian. Is it?

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