Exclusive Interview with Cassandra Cruz

September 22, 2008, by Petra

Cassandra Cruz gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the porn business?
I got into porn after I was fired from my real job. I was already comfortable with my sexuality and nudity because I worked as a professional dominatrix in a dungeon (nyc) for 3 years (on and off).  I figured that sex is way more normal than s&m and it pays way more.

Did you do anything else before you got into this business?
Other than beat guys in a dungeon, yes, I got a Bachelors Degree of Fine Arts at Parsons School of Design. I majored in illustration.

If you had the opportunity to erase this part of your life and start over, would you?
No, I have no regrets, and I ended up meeting the love of my life within the first 2 months of being in the industry. He’s a performer as well and we ended up marrying in January 2007.

Are you open about your profession with anyone that asks, or are there certain people who you are reluctant to tell?
No, I dont talk to regular people, like my neighbors or anything about performing.  

How long do you intend to remain in this business? Are you planning on working up until you can no longer find work or is there a particular time line you have?
Actually, I am now done performing, and I have my website which I am promoting.  

There seems to be a general perception that participants in this business live life “in the fast lane,” because to most of us it seems that sex and partying goes hand in hand. With that being said, how do you find the time to get rest with all this excitement going on?
For me, performing is just a job. So I do my job, and I come home and keep that acting job separate from my personal life with my husband. We have a normal married life at home, separate from work.

How much control do you have of your work? Do you get to choose who you work with?
I can’t control who I work with, but I can control who I don’t wish to work with. For the most part, my husband and I know most of the male performers I’ve worked with so I usually don’t have a problem with the other performer.

Can you refuse to do scenes with people you don’t click with?
Yes, of course.

Do you have your say about the use (or not) of condoms in a scene if you do b/g hardcore?
98% of the scenes are done without a condom, and everyone is tested. Theres only a few companies that require condom scenes or have that as an option.  It doesn’t bother me if I know the other performer is in the industry because he is tested monthly, like me.

What is the best part of your job? The worst?
I like the acting part of my job, and I like having enough free time to spend at home. The worst part is just having to deal with cancellations or sometimes there are rude people, and that sucks. 

What is the strangest thing you’ve been asked to do on set? Did you do it?
I guess I don’t think anything is strange, since I’ve done crazier things before porn. I’ve urinated on people before porn and in porn (less in porn), I’ve stomped on penises, kicked guys in the balls. I enjoy that stuff.

Should there be more kissing on the lips between actors, or is kissing considered “too intimate” for the porn business?
I think it’s too intimate, and unnecessary. People watch porn for the sex, not for the making out.

What is the first thing you did or bought with your first porn paycheck?
I spent alot of my first 6 paychecks on a trip in vegas.

Do you feel that “fame” has cramped your lifestyle similar to what a maintream film star might feel?
Not at all. I’m not famous!

Has porn affected your personal sex life? If so, how?
No, porn sex is porn sex. My sex at home is great, and normal, and I dont have to perform for the camera at home.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have 4 furry cats.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Do you have any hobbies?
I like jogging, I like to watch movies, cook, play with my cats and husband.

What are your future ambitions?
My dream is to make a living off my art/ paintings.

Is there anything you would like your fans to know specifically about you?
Yes, please check out my free fan site at: http://www.therealcassandracruz.com

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