MTV Examines Porn Faces

January 15, 2015, by Steve

Watch The Faces People Make After Accidentally Clicking A Porn Link At Work - MTV

MTV has put together a very funny and, to be honest, very truthful article about the faces people make around the office when they ‘accidentally’ or ‘unexpectedly’ click a porn link at work.

It’s a bit different from this around the FreeOnes office, however. We see porn every day. So our facial expressions stay the same pretty much all the time. It usually takes something pretty special to move our them, to be honest. If I were to put any money on us being shocked or amazed by anything, I would say it would be at another Belladonna feat of deep-throating or one of those Ava Devine prolapse videos.

When we open a porn link, we always mean to. And, opposite to the vast majority of offices over there, if we don’t have porn windows open then we could lose our jobs. It’s the Bizarro office!

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