Exclusive interview with Janessa Brazil

March 23, 2009, by Petra

Janessa Brazil gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the porn business?
Someone I met a few years back told me that I should start doing webcam and it all went on from there.

What did you do before this?
I was a bookeeper for a real estate company, and an executive assistant. BORING!

Do you only do work for your own site, or do you do shoots for other companies?
I did shoot for another site before mine launched but now I only shoot for my own, but I am also a manager for another major porn company 🙂

Are you open about your profession, or are there people you would rather not know?
Im pretty much open about what I do, so no there is no one that I would rather not know.

What’s the best part of your job? The worst?
The best part of my job is communicating with my members everyday and shooting for my site, and the worst is not letting go of my laptop to stop working!

Are there any funny moments you’d like to share with our readers?
There was one time I was having something delivered by Fed Ex and when I opened the door he totally called me out and knew who I was! I was laughing so hard 😛

Do you have plans for doing anything else in the adult industry? Such as hardcore work?
Right now my only plans are to shoot with as many hot girls as possible, I don’t plan on becoming a pornstar I like being an amateur model and being able to have the time to keep in touch with all of my fans. I don’t want to go way over my head being someone I’m not.

Has anything embarrassing happened to you while you’re working?
Yes I have fallen off my chair during a cam show and I know that cam archive is out there some where 😉

How does it make you feel knowing that there are guys out there who get pleasure looking at your work?
That is why I’m in this business, I have a thing, well I guess you can call it a fetish, for people watching me and getting pleasure from that.

Did you ever watch porn before you decided to start working in the industry?
OHHHH all the time!!!

Where was your first kiss?
Oh wow I don’t remember, I guess I was a naughty girl growing up 😉

What scares you?
The dark, I can’t walk in the street at nite and go by bushes,I find myself walking towards the middle of the street because I’m so afraid that someone will jump out at me. I guess you can blame that on all of those scary movies I watch.

What is the last movie you watched?
The Dark Knight I have always been a Batman movie fanatic.

Do you have any pets?
I have 2 pitbulls, a male and a female. I swear they think that they are lapdogs or something!

What kind of hobbies do you have?
My biggest hobby is to workout at the gym, and go shopping but I unfortunately can’t shop as often as I go to the gym 🙁

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Well aside from having to have my coffee first thing I dont consider myself awake yet at that poing, so the first thing I do is have some breakfast. Isn’t it the most important meal of the day?

If you could have any magical power, what would it be? Why?
To be able to snap my fingers and my house be clean, as much as I love to clean, sometimes that magical power would come in handy 🙂

What annoys you the most?
Well…… Not being able to see instant results at the gym LOL

If you could do only one more thing before you die, what would it be?
Sky dive! I’m an adventurous person and sky diving is the ultimate adventure!

Is there anything else you would like the FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
I’m me and will always be me don’t matter what. Nothing is harder than trying to be someone else when you have to do what I do everyday 🙂

Click here to visit the official Janessa Brazil website!

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