British School Children To Be ‘Quizzed About Porn’

March 16, 2015, by Steve


Apologies once again for linking to a Daily Mail article, but it’s a means to an end, I assure you!

The appalling rag has got many of its readers’ knickers in a twist (good) with an article today which details the latest PSHE guidance aimed at children of 13 years and over. Commissioned by Education Secretary Nicky Morgan (pictured above), it will ask questions about whether porn stars enjoy their jobs and also outlines some bizarre scenarios about aliens.

The base of this idea is a good one because it is attempting to educate children on the wrongs of victim blaming and rape myths. I don’t think anyone would disagree that this a very important area that should be covered by education.

But looking through exactly what such teaching would involve, it is quite easy to see that porn is going to end up taking a kicking here. There are those that suggest that it’s free advertising for the porn industry, but that’s complete nonsense. Porn being used as the brickbat to attack facets of human behaviour that are certainly abhorrent.

Nothing really changes, does it? A good idea but, in my opinion, a disappointing if not exactly surprising way to go about it. Oh, and if you want a good laugh today, read the comments section. If you’re not from the UK and have not been exposed to the Daily Mail readership all that much, then you’re in for a right royal treat!

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