Danish Professor Calls For Porn Education

March 16, 2015, by Steve

Porn belongs in the classroom, says Danish professor   World news   The Guardian

As reported in The Guardian, a prominent Danish professor has called for pornography to be shown in the classroom in an effort to start a debate about the industry and also to help teenagers become “critical consumers” of the industry, and in the long run help them to differentiate between pornography and real-life sexual relationships.

There’s a really funny scene in an episode of Friends (shut up, I liked it – the first five seasons, anyway) where Joey and Chandler are all of a sudden given free porn on cable and Chandler asks why things they are watching in porn aren’t happening in real life.

It’s a good joke but also quite relevant here. There’s no doubt that the overuse and abuse of anything can warp your views on just about anything and porn is no different in that regard. We certainly do need education on the subject and I’m in agreement that it should start at school. (winecountry.com)

Will it? Of course not. Still, it’s worth trying.

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