Taormino Discusses Morals In Mainstream Porn

April 28, 2015, by Steve

This article courtesy of CityLab covers quite a lot of interesting areas in a freewheeling look at modern porn and how those inside the industry currently view it.

Perhaps the most interesting section in it is a discussion about how the rise of feminist porn and how, in some ways, mainstream porn is being comparatively demonised as lacking the ‘morals’ that feminist porn has.

Tristan Taormino points out that this is not the cast in many ways, pointing to his own Chemistry series that sees performers choose their own partners and sexual situations, as well as participating in interviews about their shoots.

There is also a typically thoughtful piece from the brilliant Jiz Lee, talking about the improved atmosphere and protection of adult performers in the industry as well. It’s great to see such pieces being written about the industry – thoughtful, intelligent and well spoken. More of these please!

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