*Lelu* It’s a new year so a new me and I’m going to give you an orgasm finally, but WHOSE?? :)

January 24, 2016, by Lelu Love

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In this custom video, it’s a new year so you get a new me, less cruel and more giving, I’m even going to give you a nice big orgasm today… not YOUR orgasm of course, just MINE!! πŸ™‚ So you sit there and watch as I tease you and taunt you masturbate with my vibrator as I describe to you only what you WISH you could be doing, follow along as I draw the cards to see how long I get to vibrator my clit for then the last drawing is for YOU to see how many days you are going to be locked up in chastity… πŸ™‚

Email me your requests (or anything else πŸ˜‰ to lelulovexoATgmailDOTcom

To get a sneak peek at what I’m doing right now, check here:

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