Brazzers Wants To Sponsor Dolph Ziggler

March 5, 2015, by Steve


Brazzers have regularly been seen tweeting wrestlers about various things in the last couple of years, so the news that they have cheekily offered to sponsor the tights of former two time world heavyweight champion and self proclaimed ‘Show Off’ Dolph Ziggler on an upcoming show is not a huge surprise.

After news broke last year that CM Punk had parted company with WWE, they offered him a part in one of their movies. Recently when former Divas champion (and current wife of Punk) AJ Lee pleaded with WWE management for more airtime for female wrestlers, Brazzers offered to give Divas a chance instead.

Their offer to Ziggler might have a bit of history behind it, however. Several years ago he was romantically linked to porn star Bibi Jones and has been seen conversing with other adult stars on Twitter. Additionally, such conversations are believed to be among the reasons why expected pushes of his talents into the main event in WWE have been throttled back by management as they seek to protect their controversial current day ‘PG’ image.

So it’s unlikely he will accept their offer. But don’t be surprised if some DMs between him and Brazzers have been exchanged in the last 24 hours….

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