Porn Figures Share All In Reddit Thread

August 1, 2015, by Steve


So, this Reddit thread happened. And by and large it was a pretty interesting and hilarious read.

At the same time, it’s amusing to see it being reported on by the mainstream media, who insist on pointing out the facts that pretty much all of us, as porn fans and consumers, already knew in the first place.

For instance, The Mirror points out the bloody obvious facts that women are paid more than men on the whole, that not all performers are riddled with STDs and that some gay porn actors are actually straight.

The sad thing is that many of these facts will actually be a revelation to much of their readership. If they actually read the thread and read some of the actual interesting stuff that was in there, their minds would be so fucking blown, man!

For me, the most interesting revelation was that there are a LOT of vegans in porn. An industry where meat eating is almost a requisite.

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