Airline Apologies After Nikita Bellucci ‘Joke’

October 17, 2015, by Steve


Photo courtesy of DDF Network

A French airline has issued an apology on its official Twitter feed after making a remark to the porn actress Nikita Bellucci when she queried delays to her flight, according to The Independent,

I’ve been following this story with some interest and the responses to it have been disappointingly predictable. A LOT of people suggesting that Nikita has been over-sensitive in her response to the tweet and that it was only a light-hearted remark.

That’s not really the point. It was a serious tweet that had nothing to do with her profession at all, and it was completely inappropriate. (  That so many people have tweeted their support of the airline really does make me realise that many people are just never going to understand why porn stars get such a difficult time in their everyday lives.

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