Tag: japanese
Train Pee Porn Halted By Japanese Cops
My advice to anyone wishing to travel on Japanese railways any time soon – lift your feet up! A Japanese porn company has been busted over a video which showed models relieving themselves on a fully functioning and very much in-service train. This story also reveals that the company in question […]
Japanese Porn Stars Talk Lack Of Male Stars
In this interesting video, Japanese male porn star Shimiken becomes the latest male performer from Japan to query the lack of emerging performers in the country. Interestingly, he attributes it to the rise of social media, suggesting that most stars these days do not want to make a name for […]
‘Silver Porn’ Taking Off In Japan
Although I wouldn’t regard myself as an expert on it (or anything, for that matter) I have always held a fascination and genuine interest in Japanese porn. It seems to contain themes and situations that are of a much narrower range than those you would see in Western porn. For […]