Twitter Joins The Fight Against Revenge Porn

March 12, 2015, by Steve

Twitter Just Banned Revenge Porn and Doxxing

The number of social media outlets cracking down on so-called ‘revenge porn’ continues to grow after Twitter announced a ban on it and also on doxxing.

As reported on Gizmodo, however, Twitter will need to be vigilant and clever with how they enforce such bans and clamp down on users who post this kind of material. As they point out, many trolls are ingenious in their persistence and ability to get objectionable material out there and Twitter, as well as Reddit, will need to ensure that their measures really are as strong as they make them out to be.

Even so, it’s good to see more outlets clamping down on this stuff. It should only be the tip of the iceberg, however, and some social media sites have been slow to react so far.

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