Exclusive interview with Young Holly

April 20, 2009, by Petra

Young Holly gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What made you decide to start adult modeling?
I wanted to express myself creatively and sexually using my body as a medium. I think adult modeling has great potential to be liberating and fun.

What did you do before you started this career path?
I was, and still am, a full time university student. I’ll be finished my undergraduate degree in April 2009.

If you had the opportunity to erase this part of your life and start over, would you?
Not at all! It’s so much fun and I have so many awesome photos to look back on when I’m old!

Are you open about your profession with those that ask, or are there people you’re reluctant to tell.
I’m open with some people, and not with others. I’d love to tell everyone, but I think some people would find it upsetting and it would cause them stress. In some ways, I want to tell them so that I can have a truly honest relationship, but in other ways, I want to protect them from their own stress and likely hysterical reaction.

How long do you plan on staying in this business? Do you have any plans for when you retire?
I would love to be involved in this business for decades. I’m interested in various aspects of this industry and would like to try my hand at different things.

What’s the best part of your job?  The worst?
The best part is producing quality work that makes me feel good about myself, and that was fun to produce. The worst part is keeping it a secret from some people, because I’m actually really proud of what I do and think it’s a positive thing.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you so far in regards to working in this business?
Well I’m not very experienced and so I don’t have a very funny story yet, but maybe I can update you when something embarrassing or ridiculous happens to me.

Are you going to ever try something different in the adult industry, such as hardcore or girl/girl acting?
Probably! I’m actually really interested in bondage and S+M play, so I might pursue that at some point.

What was the very first thing that you bought with your first adult modeling paycheck?
Well, I would have to say that I probably paid my rent! Not very exciting, I know.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What do they think of your modeling?
Yes, I do have a significant other who is very supportive! I’m very happy in my relationship.

Do you have any pets?
No, sadly. I’m allergic to almost every pet animal, it seems. I’m a real cat person though.

What do you like to do when you’re not modeling? Do you have any hobbies?
I love photography. I like going on roadtrips and visiting wineries. I mostly spend time with my friends, just hanging out. I’m not big on clubbing but I love going out to restaurants and pubs.

What kind of music is on your iPod?
All kinds! Kidney Thieves, Switchblade Symphony, Tricky, the Beatles, Sarah McLachlan, Massive Attack, Deftones, Barenaked Ladies, Mozart, Vivaldi. It really just depends on my mood.

What kind of car do you drive?
I don’t drive. I could pretend it’s for environmental reasons, but really it’s because I’ve been too scared to learn. I have a goal to learn in the summer of 2009 though.

What’s your favorite movie?
At the moment, Gia.

Where is the one place you’d like to travel to that you haven’t been to yet?

If you won a million dollars, would you stop modeling?
No! I’d be thrilled because I’d be able to put money into all kinds of interesting adult projects. I’d love to own another website that I could model for, but with an alt/dark theme. Then, I’d have two contrasting projects on the go at the same time. Also, I’d love to sponsor creative people who have ideas of their own for this industry.

When dating guys, what is your biggest turnoff?
When they act all “macho”.

Do you have any future goals or ambitions?
Yes, many. I want to complete a Masters Degree. If all goes well, I’ll be starting graduate school in September 2009. Also, I’d like to make a bigger name for myself in the adult industry and explore my options in that field.

What would you like your current and future fans to know about you?
I want them to know that their support, whether it’s simply kind words or buying a subscription to my website, is worth so much to me! All performers should keep in mind that the fans are the ones who make everything possible 🙂

Click here to visit the official Young Holly website!

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