Brett Rossi Files Lawsuit Against Charlie Sheen

December 5, 2015, by Steve

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Photo courtesy of Twistys

At this stage, I am left wondering if Charlie Sheen believe he might have been better off trying to stay out of the public spotlight after recent revelations about his health.

Because it’s not just criticisms from ex-partners and question marks over where he could face criminal charges from said exes that he has to deal with now, but also other legal issues it seems.

It’s emerged that Brett Rossi is suing Sheen for forcibly imprisoning her during an encounter almost exactly 2 years ago, when he allegedly locked her in a bathroom and refused to release her until she told him about her complete sexual history, according to Hollywood Reporter.

Other allegations have emerged also that she was forced to have an abortion by him, that he refused to take HIV medication, and that he did not disclose his HIV status until after she had sex with him several times.

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