WWE Tag Team Name Causes Controversy

August 6, 2015, by Steve


When WWE revealed the name of its newest all-Diva tag team on Monday night’s Raw show, a lot of people were somewhat surprised.

Why? Well, because when they searched for the term on Google, they found rather a lot of results returned for a porn series by Bang Bros.

Of course, as usual, TMZ gets it rather wrong with its reporting of this story. There is no actual series that I’m aware of called Submission Sorority, it’s an approximate term that has been used as a tagline in their Haze Her series.

Even so, you’d have thought WWE would have researched this beforehand, especially as they are so keen to be seen as a family friendly company these days.

Bang Bros. claim that traffic to their site shot up by 56% overnight and they saw subscriptions rise by over a third. Maybe they should cash in further and get a Submission Sorority parody shot….

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