Tag: japanese
Japanese Convenience Stores Stop Stocking Porn
To be honest, I didn’t even know that convenience stores in Japan stocked porn – but then again, I can also believe that! It’s not so prevalent now that 7-Eleven, Family Mart and Lawson are no longer doing so. And the Japanese porn industry is bracing themselves for a profit […]
Emiri Okazaki: “I Made $168,000 In One Month From Porn”
In an eye-opening interview with the YouTube channel Asian Boss, the former Japanese porn star Emiri Okazaki claimed that she was able to make up to $168,000 in one month from porn. Earning up to $6,000 a shoot, she claims she would shoot almost every day but that the […]
New Movie To Tackle Japanese Porn Taboos
It can often feel to those in the western hemisphere especially as though the Japanese porn scene and industry is like something from another galaxy. Their approach and themes are so different – and in some ways, problematic. A new movie called The Lowlife, directed Takahisa Zeze, is an adaptation […]
Japan Moves To Prevent Porn Coercion
A worrying article in The Guardian today which covers the topic of Japanese women who have been coerced and tricked into starring in pornographic movies. It’s a subject the porn industry itself has played around with. We’ve seen loads of these sites where girls are ‘tricked’ into an audition or interview, only […]
Shigeo Tokuda: The World’s ‘Oldest’ Porn Star
Image courtesy of Reuters / The Mirror As someone who celebrated his [CENSORED] birthday yesterday, I myself have started to think about my on-rushing years and how I can help myself prolong my life and improve my health. One option I hadn’t considered, even as someone much younger than him […]
Japanese Man Not Crushed To Death By Porn
Image courtesy of Mashable In a story that will surprise precisely nobody, The Daily Mail got something wrong. Not content with making the lives of millions of people in the UK miserable with their racist and homophobic editorials, they’ve now taken to humiliating the family of a man found dead […]
Japanese VR Porn Festival Closed Due To Overcrowding
There have been a few very loud dissenting voices in the last few weeks that have doubted that VR porn will be the hit that many in the industry predicts it will be, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Well, maybe this story will go some way to convincing them otherwise. […]
Japanese Porn Group Admits ‘Porn Coercion’ Claims
In what is a pretty major story that is likely to lead a much needed shake-up of the Japanese porn industry, the BBC reports that The Intellectual Property Promotion Association has issued an official apology for accusations that women have been forced to commit sex acts on film. The Japanese porn […]
Goldman Sachs Fires Woman Over Porn Past
Interesting little story to point you in the direction courtesy of the unlikely source of Zero Hedge. If this story is indeed true, and there’s no reason to believe that it isn’t, I must admit to being somewhat baffled as to what job applicants to the company are being asked […]
Japanese Porn Bosses Hold Labour Rights Meeting
Interesting article in The Japan Times about a recent meeting that was reportedly help by higher-ups in the Japanese porn industry regarding labour rights for workers in the industry. There was some coverage of this kind of thing a few months ago, I remember. Indeed, said meeting seems to have been […]
FreeOnes Recommends: Hairy AV
Time for a new feature here on the FreeOnes Blog. Because I know new features are something that are loved by all my reader. Every week I’m going to shine a spotlight on a great site that might have flown under your radar for one reason or another – and […]